After getting reading some tweets suggesting that the FAA is going to block drone deliveries, complete with links to fabricated articles about how Amazon would react and this silly little line:
Amazon doesn’t charge any extra penny from customers for delivering products via Prime Air. In simple word, Amazon delivers products to its customers via Prime Air for absolutely”free’. So, here’s the contradiction between”fee’ and”free’.

I know the law gets insane sometimes but does anyone really believe that Prime Air is not commercial?

Apparently many do. (read my tweet stream).

Lesson in #FakeNews

I included that one example and the risk that someone will believe that I’m part of a conspiracy to keep the world from knowing the government is out to get them. (trust me. I’m predisposed to not trust anything out of ‘the government’ but this is just so silly). There are several more but I’m gong to just cite my guidelines that serve to see red flags:

  1. Link to a government document that gets reports there is no such document
  2. Quotes from Jeff Bezos, or any celebrity, that aren’t backed up with a link
  3. Suggestions that a government entity has a feeling on something
  4. Using “Amazon did not comment” to imply that they were contacted
  5. Official Sounding website domains borrowing articles from other nonsense sites

For the record. does share all or part of videos, article and shares from sites on the internet without a full time fact checker calling all the sources. We use common sense and comment on things based on our contributors general knowledge. 

We do make mistakes and a thorough review of our site will no doubt show errors and omissions. If you find one, leave a comment, send us an email, call us out on it. We will respond as best we can. 

That response will be from a human being. (That might be #7 for this list). 

About that Nasty FAA and those Drones

I did some more research. The FAA has not issued a policy announcement of intent to set policy on the subject of drones since they got told they could require licenses on some. I did see some interesting talk about refund for people who bought drone licenses though. Seems they have plenty to do there.

The last news about “delivery by drones” I found was a Bloomberg report. Bloomberg wants you to watch their video, so I’ll put there little thumbnail here and you can go watch two talking heads by clicking on it (or just look at the photo of the President and a drone and imagine)

It’s interesting to me that in my search for another video report of this I didn’t see any other mentions of this mundane meeting. I was expecting to find footage of an awkward camera shot or an official calling a drone a spaceship. 

So it goes.

Amazon Vision of Deliveries by Drone Gets Boost in FAA Measure

By Ryan Beene

  • FAA reauthorization proposal pushes for OK of drone deliveries
  • U.S. to create new air carrier certificate for drones: bill Inc.‘s bid to deliver goods via drone directly to a consumer’s doorstep would get a boost under aviation legislation proposed Thursday.

The bipartisan Senate legislation to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration directs the Department of Transportation to create a carrier certificate allowing for package deliveries by drones, according to a summary. That provision is one of several in the bill aimed at boosting regulatory approval and oversight for drones.

Companies including Amazon and Google parent Alphabet Inc. are racing to develop drones capable of delivering parcels to customers in spite of restrictions on where drones can fly. Amazon in December made its first-ever drone delivery — a television streaming device and a bag of popcorn — to a customer in the U.K., where the company is testing drone deliveries in part because of the strict U.S. regulations.

The FAA measure, unveiled by the top Democrats and Republicans that oversee airline policy, also includes restrictions on airlines bumping passengers from flights after they have boarded. It would also keep air-traffic control within the FAA, putting it at odds with a U.S. House proposal to transfer the operations to a 
“Our legislation focuses on enhancing safety, improving air travel for the traveling public, and reforms to help bring the future of aviation closer to reality,” Republican John Thune of South Dakota, chairman of the Senate Commerce committee, said in a statement. Bill Nelson of Florida, the top Democrat on the panel, co-sponsored the package, as did Democrat Maria Cantwell of Washington and Republican Roy Blunt of Missouri.

Establishing an air carrier certificate for drone deliveries would clear one hurdle for package delivery, while others remain. Current FAA regulations restrict most drone flights directly over people, although the agency is working on rules to broaden such flights.

In a statement on its website, the Commercial Drone Alliance said it was “pleased that provisions intended to expand commercial drone operations have been included” in the FAA authorization bill, adding it was reviewing details of the legislation. The group represents companies that want to use drones commercially, including Time Warner Inc.’s CNN.

Thanks Bloomberg

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