Solar Energy Harnessing-Tech Even Works at Night

Thinking that solar power doesn’t work because it gets dark is like attempting to run your portable device only when it’s charging. You’ll get some utility, but you’re missing the point High in the stark Nevada desert, a couple of hundred miles north-west of Las Vegas, is the shimmering circular mirage of Crescent Dunes. Ten […]

Solar still made of bubble wrap could purify water for the poor

Solar stills can make tainted water or seawater fit to drink. But to produce more than a trickle, devices typically require expensive lenses or other equipment. Not anymore. Today, researchers report that they’ve created a cheap solar still from bubble wrap and other simple materials. Solar stills have been used for thousands of years. The […]

Why are these odd-looking solar cars passing through the area?

Residents in the Parkland may have noticed strange looking cars accompanied by vans with flashing lights traveling down U.S. 67 the last couple of days. Not to worry, they are part of a national race and approximately 13 teams are competing in it this year. Principia Solar Car #32 Truck Driver Ken Pratt said this […]

How solar energy can be transformed into fuel

: A new study look into the quest for sustainable fuel, and how solar energy can be transformed into exactly this. The new procedure uses the sun’s thermal energy to convert carbon dioxide and water directly into synthetic fuel. “This allows solar energy to be stored in the form of chemical bonds,” explains Ivo Alxneit, […]

The Facility is an underground compound made up of luxury apartments

Colin Furze’s underground bunker, which he recently completed, is pretty sweet. It has a well-stocked kitchen, not-so-private bathroom, bed, generator, flat-screen TV, drums … pretty much everything you need to survive a disaster, or just to enjoy as a cool place to hang out in with your friends. But his homemade bunker has nothing on […]